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Blended learning project on EU governance

People working for the European Commission, Parliament, its Bodies and Agencies will now have access to state-of-the-art online blended learning materials and programs on EU decision making, law and policies. The contract to supply these materials has been awarded to The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA, the leading centre of European learning and development [...]

Commissioner’s cynical comment

Among the key findings of a European Commission ‘Eurobarometer’ survey on ‘Attitudes towards vocational education and training’ are: Vocational education and training - in which nearly half of all Europeans choose to enrol after their compulsory education - has a generally positive image among most age groups. This is principally because it is seen as [...]

Kraków Conference throws light on Leonardo learning

Members of an EU-funded Leonardo Transfer of Innovation project – called the Enable Project – meet in Hotel Holiday Inn, ul. Wielopole 4, Krakow, in Poland, on 6th September, to disseminate the project’s latest results. The project deals with ‘enabling labour market entry and mobility to disadvantaged groups engaging across Europe in learning through innovation’ (see:   Efficio Poland is [...]

By | August 26th, 2011|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments