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So far Bob has created 964 blog entries.

Bob speaks in Luton

Bob Little - the Chairman of the Herts Fellowship of Baptist Preachers - has been preaching at Limbury Baptist Church in Luton. He spoke about the letter to the church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3: 7 - 13). See: Limbury Baptist Church with Bob Little 23 June 2024 (

By | June 25th, 2024|Categories: Philosophy and Religion|Tags: , |0 Comments

Green Apple Award winner, Waste King, becomes Green World Ambassador

At a ceremony held in the Houses of Parliament, at the Palace of Westminster, in London, at the end of November, Waste King was named a winner of this year’s Green Apple Environment Awards. The awards celebrate environmental best practice and are open to any organisation, community or individual.   Having competed successfully with over [...]

By | December 4th, 2023|Categories: Business, Environment, Waste Management/ Recyling|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Waste King helps Hightown keep its carbon footprint to a minimum

Hightown Housing Association (HHA) has increased its commitment to working with Waste King to improve the efficiency and cleanliness of its waste collection and disposal processes, while also being environmentally friendly and keeping the charitable housing association’s carbon footprint to a minimum.   HHA currently manages over 8,000 homes – supporting over 16,000 residents - [...]

Waste King Reports Rising Revenue and Jobs

Waste King, the environmentally friendly waste collection and recycling services specialist, is experiencing huge growth in its business despite the current challenging market conditions.   According to its Managing Director, Glenn Currie, Waste King processed some 3,000 new orders in July (2023) alone, generating over £500,000 in revenue. July’s substantial and encouraging revenue figures are [...]

By | August 8th, 2023|Categories: Business, Environment, Waste Management/ Recyling|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

A Mobile-First, Workforce Management Solution from eCom Learning Solutions

Organisations wanting to maintain their competitive edge by investing in their people can now use an over-arching learning platform to gain valuable insights into their workers’ learning, skills, competencies, engagement and performance.   One such platform – eNetEnterprise, from eCom Learning Solutions, Scotland’s leading digital learning and assessment specialist - goes beyond merely providing, managing [...]

Seven Key Skills in Top Customers’ Wants List in 2022

Leadership, resilience, digital ability, creativity, collaboration, people management and critical thinking are the key skills that customers of the digital learning and assessment specialist, eCom Learning Solutions, want their staff developing in 2022.   Having analysed the main training needs identified by their customers worldwide in 2022 – so far - eCom is reporting that [...]

Customer intimacy is key to eCom Learning Solutions’ success

eCom Learning Solutions – Scotland’s leading digital learning and assessment specialist - has nailed its colours firmly to the mast of promoting customer intimacy as it prioritises growth in these challenging economic times.   Customer intimacy is one of three ways in which companies can out-perform their competitors - the other two being operational excellence [...]

By | October 17th, 2022|Categories: Business, Learning, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |0 Comments

L&D professionals asked: “Shall I compare thee to a Digital Academy?”

Scotland’s leading digital learning and assessment specialist, eCom Learning Solutions, has joined in the practice of publicly making comparisons. In doing so, it has both history and popular culture on its side.   In an often-quoted sonnet, William Shakespeare once compared ‘a fair youth’ to a summer’s day; puppet meerkats help promote a website that [...]

eCom Learning Solutions outlines an eLearning Partner’s key benefits

eCom Learning Solutions, the UK’s largest privately-owned digital learning and assessment specialist, has produced a list of six key reasons why organisations should collaborate with a specialist when it comes to producing eLearning materials.   This list – in the form of a short paper published on eCom’s website - is intended to inform learning [...]

By | September 27th, 2022|Categories: Learning, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Digital Academies address the challenges of the modern world of work

Digital academies – an initiative from the leading digital learning and assessment specialist, eCom Learning Solutions – are helping organisations stay ahead of their competition by developing their most valuable asset: their workforce.   As proof of the digital academies ‘pudding’, eCom points to the fact that over 80% of the private sector clients for [...]