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So far Bob has created 964 blog entries.

Needs must – when PwC drives

A report of the Learning 2009 event in Florida, USA - freely available from – written by a team of UK learning technology specialists, including Learning Light’s David Patterson, along with UKTI’s Nigel Goddard, Assessment 21’s Gerard Lennox and Sean Gilligan of Webanywhere, outlines a presentation given by Sarah Lindsell, Andrew Wolff and Helen [...]

By | December 23rd, 2009|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Too many cooks…

The current crisis of confidence in UK management may have been fuelled by an over quota of 'technical specialists' filling managerial roles who lack the necessary leadership and management skills to keep staff engaged, according to a performance culture specialist from Q4 Solutions. Following the recent CBI report which revealed many employees had little confidence [...]

By | December 9th, 2009|Categories: Business|Tags: , |0 Comments

Learning Light’s e-learning optimism

A report on the UK e-learning sector in 2009 - ‘The UK e-learning market 2009’ - published this month by Learning Light, the Sheffield-based centre of excellence in the use of e-learning and learning technologies in the workplace, paints an optimistic picture: stating that the sector is ‘flowering’ despite the recession. The report’s principal finding [...]

By | December 7th, 2009|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Personalisation and contextualisation solutions at Online Educa in Berlin

Standards, tools and techniques for competency and skills based learning content personalisation are emerging – which is just as well because they can help organisations perform better in the increasingly competitive global economy. This is the message that Giunti Labs ( is outlining at this year’s Online Educa conference and exhibition, being held in Berlin [...]

By | November 27th, 2009|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Master’s degree in e-learning

Giunti Labs, the vendor of learning content management solutions (learn eXact LCMS) and digital repository platforms (HarvestRoad Hive), is supporting the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Genoa in the provision of its Master’s in E-learning degree programme ( The programme, which is also supported by The European Pedagogical ICT Licence Group (EPICT) [...]

By | November 23rd, 2009|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Spreadsheet jockeys ride to victory again

According to a recent report by ace consultants, auditors and accountants, PwC, finance departments continue to devote almost 60% of their time to gathering data as opposed to analysing it.   Comment: Such findings may appear crazy to you or me but accountants – and therefore finance departments – rule the business world. What they [...]

By | November 13th, 2009|Categories: Business|Tags: , |0 Comments

Stressed about stress

Wednesday 4th November was National Stress Awareness Day and, to mark the occasion, psychologist Dr Rick Norris launched a campaign to lobby for change in the education system to deal with root cause of rising mental health problems.   With as many as one in four people suffering from stress, anxiety or depression in the [...]

By | November 6th, 2009|Categories: Business, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

ELIG hits out at cost-cutting

At its 2009 Annual General Meeting in Lausanne, the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG) formally endorsed the view that cost-cutting by itself was not a sustainable way out of the current economic crisis and that innovation was required now more than ever.   “With new ICT enabled tools we can tap the brainpower of knowledge [...]

By | November 4th, 2009|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Getting engaged

An independent survey launched by HR, payroll and talent management solutions provider, MidlandHR, has identified the contributory factors to employee engagement – which 92% of respondents said is key to organisational performance. The study, Investigating Employee Engagement and Predictive Analytics, surveyed over 100 business leaders in UK public, private and charity sectors. Of the 19 [...]

By | October 27th, 2009|Categories: Business|Tags: , |0 Comments

Trainers, know your place!

IMC (UK) Learning Ltd has revealed research ( that looks at the barriers organisations encounter when providing training/ learning. It also reveals attitudes towards adopting e-learning tools, as well as organisations’ current use of new and emerging technologies for training. The research shows that 83% of respondents agree that enabling employees to learn is very [...]

By | October 21st, 2009|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments