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Business Schools’ bonanza

A recent study has revealed that some UK business schools contribute up to £100m a year to their regional economy.   Carried out for the Association of Business Schools (ABS) by the Nottingham Economics Centre at Nottingham Business School, part of Nottingham Trent University, the report looked at the role of business schools as a [...]

By | October 20th, 2010|Categories: Business|Tags: , |1 Comment

An insight into the Special Relationship

According to an article on the Training Journal website (, the New York Times carried out research among Americans about what they feared the most in life.   The fear of death came a mere third, with the fear of walking into a room full of strangers coming in at number two. The number one fear, among the [...]

By | October 20th, 2010|Categories: Lifestyle, Philosophy and Religion|Tags: , |0 Comments

The Guardian features Learning Light’s e-learning programmes

The Guardian newspaper has featured an e-learning programme developed by Learning Light which is helping people in Nigeria to recycle electrical and electronic waste safely.   An article by Louise Tickle, published in the Education Guardian on 12th October (, explained that people in developing countries who make a living scavenging the dumps of electronic [...]

By | October 18th, 2010|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The ‘iPad era’ ten commandments of learning content management

Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO of eXact learning solutions has identified ‘ten commandments of enterprise learning content management in the iPad tablet era’ (   “The iPad not only makes a ‘mobile learning machine’ affordable and accessible but it also removes the previous limits and frustration of poor visualisation and connectivity,” believes Cardinali. “The iPad is both [...]

Oxford Union debates e-learning – again

Early October saw the second annual e-learning-related debate by the Oxford Union. Again sponsored by Epic, this time the motion before the house was: ‘This house believes that technology-based informal learning is more style than substance.’   If you want to see highlights of the debate, you can view them at: The result on [...]

By | October 8th, 2010|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Freelance feelings confirmed

We suspected it all along but now we know: freelancers are more productive, slightly cheaper but hard to manage and recruit.   Recent research by the Brookson Enterprise Freelance Fair has identified that productivity is the key benefit of freelance workers in the creative, digital, media and marketing sector. However, freelancers were regarded as a [...]

By | October 7th, 2010|Categories: Business|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Women on the rise in UK companies’ boardrooms

HR Magazine has reported that the proportion of women on the boards of the top UK companies has increased to 13.6% in 2010 from 11.5% in 2008. Additionally, the proportion of UK companies with at least one woman on the board has risen to 84% in 2010 from 81% in 2008.   Women make up [...]

By | October 6th, 2010|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Hope versus experience

Responding jointly to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)’s Skills for Sustainable Growth (SSG) consultation, some weeks ago, the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and the eLearning Network (eLN) wrote: ‘Our response is brief and concerns a single cross-cutting issue.   ‘We recognise that SSG is inevitably neutral about the “delivery techniques” used [...]

By | October 6th, 2010|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Breadcrumb of comfort for mobile learning developers

Google Labs has released a beta version of a new mobile learning creation tool, called Breadcrumb. This tool enables users to create mobile simulations and branched content – making their application work with only three additions to plain text. Its developers claim that Breadcrumb is ‘infinitely scalable, easy to create and readable on internet-enabled smart-phones [...]

By | October 1st, 2010|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

A muted ‘huzzah’

News has emerged that Sunday 3rd October 2010 is the day when the First World War officially ended. That is the day when Germany paid off the last of the enormous debt which was set by the Allies, 92 years ago. The final £60m installment is part of a £22bn debt imposed for starting the [...]

By | October 1st, 2010|Categories: Business, Lifestyle|Tags: |0 Comments