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So far Bob has created 964 blog entries.

Performance centred design rewarded

Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), the global e-learning producer, was one of only eight organisations in the world to be awarded one of this year’s Performance Centred Design (PCD) Awards. The awards are conferred by EPSScentral LLC, the Virginia-based worldwide provider of electronic performance support systems (EPSS) and PCD and were presented at the Training Solutions [...]

By | December 7th, 2006|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Effective PR

The Cabinet War Rooms, the scene of some of the most influential decisions of World War II, became the venue for a further important decision on 22nd November, when key HR and training professionals from the UK’s top organisations, toured the Cabinet War Rooms and received a briefing on the first six weeks of the [...]

By | November 25th, 2006|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies, Public Relations, Marketing and Sales|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Learning disabilities symposium

The global e-learning producer, Tata Interactive Systems (TIS), is hosting the Tata Interactive Learning Disability Forum (TLDF) 2006, a unique global symposium on learning disabilities (LD) – the first of its kind in India – on 30th November and 1st December. The symposium came about because TIS decided to unveil the benefits of its experience [...]

By | November 17th, 2006|Categories: Learning Technologies, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Tired and emotional

Everyone loves getting an award – as evidenced by this year’s E-Learning Awards, presented in London in November. The audience for this, the second annual awards, had doubled to over 300 from last year’s 150 or so – and everyone had a good time. Everyone, that is, except for a gentleman of the Caledonian persuasion [...]

By | November 11th, 2006|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |0 Comments