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    Online assessment and benchmarking tool for geoscientists establishes a worldwide audience

    A UK-developed online self-assessment tool which benchmarks individuals’ skills and identifies skills gaps within the international operational geoscience community, is establishing a worldwide presence within nine months of its launch.   The tool - developed by eCom Learning Solutions, Scotland’s leading digital learning and assessment specialist, for Operations Geoscience International Competency Assessment (OGICA), a UK-registered, [...]

    By | July 12th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

      Social value and sustainable procurement policies: a statement by eCom Learning Solutions

      In a move to bring its corporate responsibility policy into line with the latest social value and sustainable procurement policies of both the UK and Scottish Governments, Scotland’s leading digital learning and assessment specialist has published the following statement: “eCom Learning Solutions pursues and promotes the highest standards of corporate responsibility and is committed to [...]

        eCom Learning Solutions joins the DeepWind cluster

        The digital learning and assessment specialist, eCom Learning Solutions, has become a member of an organisation intended to increase supply chain competitiveness and productivity to the renewable energy sector in Scotland. Known as DeepWind, the organisation aims to maximise its members’ involvement in new initiatives, encouraging innovation in the supply chain to create new products [...]

        By | March 8th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

          Praise for eNetLearn from Learning Analysts Learning Light

          Learning Light, the UK-based eLearning and learning technologies specialist, providing advice and consultancy to organisations looking to improve their business performance, has published an in-depth review of eNetLearn, the learning management system developed by digital learning and assessment specialists, eCom Scotland.   According to Learning Light, “For a SaaS LMS, eNetLearn offers great value for [...]

          By | May 11th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

            Online Learning Help for the Public Sector from eCom

            eCom, Scotland’s leading digital learning and assessment specialists, are launching an initiative to help public sector organisations in the UK provide improved value-for-money for their stakeholders – the UK’s taxpayers and residents.   This move comes in the wake of Deloitte’s ‘State of the State 2020-21’ Report, which reported that 45% of people believe that [...]

            By | February 11th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

            The Gasman Cometh

   Here's a comic song - from the Flanders and Swann stable - performed by Bob Little and Peter Jenkin. Hopefully, it will cheer you up and distract you for a moment from the challenges and difficulties produced by the coronavirus pandemic.  

            By | June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

              War on cyber-attacks and digital disruption are high business priorities over next three years

              Changing business priorities will see a greater emphasis on cybersecurity and digitalisation of processes over the next three years, according to almost 1000 senior executives in a survey by Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance ( . The findings come from this year’s Corporate Learning Pulse, a major leadership study conducted among [...]

                Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance launches a series of high-impact online learning programmes for corporates

                  Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance ( has launched a series of online short-course programmes.   Custom-designed to each client company’s requirements and intended for groups of 50 or more executives, the programmes are known as High-Impact Online Programmes (HiOPs) and they adopt the latest concepts and tools to ensure academic [...]

                By | October 18th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

                  Executive learning and development issues revealed in latest Corporate Learning Pulse Survey

                  Four key views have emerged from this year’s Corporate Pulse Survey from Financial Times |IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance.   The survey, of almost 1,000 executives from Europe, the Middle East, Japan and China, reveals – among other things – that: Senior professionals understand and recognise the long-term benefits of learning and leadership development, [...]

                  By | June 26th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

                  Announcing the publication of a book chronicling Pendley’s 1,700 years of history

                  The Endless Bookcase – as part of its ‘Endless History’ series – has published a history of Pendley Manor, the former home of the BBC showjumping commentator, Dorian Williams, and now a hotel and conference centre. The book ‘A Perspective on Pendley: a history of Pendley Manor’ is available as an e-book: ASIN: B00LTZF5BY; some [...]