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Ten Internet Tools for Foiling Fake News and Reputations

Fake news – a term much used in recent years – is neither new nor confined to purely ‘mainstream’ news. For a long time, it’s not been unknown for some job applicants to enhance their CVs (resumés) – and, to their cost, employers only discover this once the recruitment and selection process is over. By [...]

Eight biographical words to avoid

Writing a blog on BNET, the CBS Interactive business network, (, Jeff Hayden revealed that, after some extensive research into Twitter users’ biographies, he dislikes the following – over-used – words: ‘Passionate’ You can have one passion. Four ‘passions’ are interests. And can anyone truly be passionate about ‘delivering lasting customer value’, ‘teaching small businesses [...]

By | August 10th, 2011|Categories: Business, Miscellaneous, Public Relations, Marketing and Sales|Tags: , , |0 Comments