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Pricey but prestigious podcasts: price plummets

Not long ago, the well known freelance journalist and contributor to The Guardian, Mail on Sunday and Daily Telegraph, Guy Clapperton, hit upon what seemed a great idea in these web 2.0-enabled times. He decided to interview HR representatives of ‘high quality companies’ (including Microsoft’s director of HR in the UK) and turn these interviews [...]

By | June 10th, 2008|Categories: Business, Business Technology, Public Relations, Marketing and Sales|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The cost of learning

HR review has reported that staff use of the internet to conduct personal searches costs the UK economy £10.6bn each year, according to new research by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), which suggest that the average British worker spends 90 minutes a week during working hours surfing the web for personal use. Additionally, the [...]

By | June 10th, 2008|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Training failure at T5: official

The opening day problems at Heathrow's Terminal 5 (T5) were largely down to a lack of staff familiarisation with new facilities and processes, rather than technology issues - according to British Airways’ CEO, Willie Walsh. Walsh has made it clear that building work delays caused the airline to compromise its staff familiarisation programme. Walsh, who, [...]

By | May 17th, 2008|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

On yer bike

Most people who move off benefits and into work say that having a job improves their quality of life, according to recent research by Working Links - an organisation that helps the long-term unemployed find work. Of its 1,300 clients, 80 per cent said they were more satisfied with life since finding work.   The [...]

By | April 17th, 2008|Categories: Business, Lifestyle|Tags: , |0 Comments

Mice and men

Some 42 per cent of HR professionals think that the quality of leadership in HR is poor or merely satisfactory, according to a survey conducted by HR with Guts and Orion Partners. The survey concentrated on the most important qualities for HR leaders to develop and display. Its results suggest that there is a conflict [...]

By | April 7th, 2008|Categories: Business|Tags: |0 Comments

Victimised by voicemail

Apparently, a Northern Ireland woman has won an unfair dismissal case after being sacked by voicemail. Marilyn Giboney said she found out she had been dismissed after picking up a message on her mobile phone while in hospital. The charity Victim Support Northern Ireland was ordered to pay the branch manager almost £17,000 after a tribunal [...]

By | February 17th, 2008|Categories: Business, Lifestyle|Tags: , |0 Comments

Webconferencing is the answer – probably to every question

A recent survey conducted by communications consultancy group ICUGlobal has revealed that, from a poll of 300 organisations, 70 per cent rated ‘reducing organisational carbon footprints’ as a key driver in their organisation’s decision to invest in webconferencing and collaboration.   The survey revealed that while organisations are constantly reviewing corporate travel and other communication [...]

By | February 7th, 2008|Categories: Business, Environment, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Laptops away!

Apparently – according to a survey by information security company SafeNet – UK business travellers lose up to 8,500 mobile devices in the country's airports every year. Those travelling from major London airports are the most 'unlucky', with more than 400 laptops and 2,500 other mobile devices lost annually. Meanwhile, business professionals using airports in [...]

By | January 7th, 2008|Categories: Business, Business Technology, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Web wobble

Is the writing on the wall (again) for the internet industry? We are currently experiencing ‘web 2.0’ and this is enabling an apparently endless rise in the revenues derived from web advertising (with US internet advertising reportedly rising 25 per cent in the third quarter of this year to a record $5.2bn). As a result, [...]

By | January 4th, 2008|Categories: Business, Philosophy and Religion|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The Leitch Report

The story so far… The premise is that, without world class skills, UK businesses will find it increasingly difficult to innovate and compete. The Treasury tackled this problem by establishing the Leitch Review to identify the optimal skills mix to maximise economic growth by 2020. The resulting report published a set of targets for workforce [...]

By | November 5th, 2007|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments