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Suddenly, it’s 1999

It seems that, in the wake of George Osborne’s Autumn Statement on the UK economy, it’s not just our standards of living that are about to take a giant step back to the turn of the century.   The next eLearning Network meeting – scheduled to take place on 9th December – has the title [...]

By | November 30th, 2011|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

Morrison moves on

There are rumours that Alistair Morrison – once the managing director of the e-learning content developer Skillchange Systems, then of VEGA, Lorien Customer Focus and other organisations and an e-learning entrepreneur contemporary of Donald Clark – has finally severed his ties with the learning technologies sector. After well over 20 years in the [...]

By | November 30th, 2011|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments

A jewel in the Omniplex crown

The provider of e-learning and related tools and services, Omniplex, has announced that it has provided a learning management system (LMS), rapid e-learning authoring tools and training in how to use all these products to Aurum Holdings Ltd, the UK’s largest prestige and luxury jewellers. Aurum includes the Watches of Switzerland, Mappin & Webb and [...]

By | November 29th, 2011|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Fly me to the Moon – in learning technologies terms

A number of members of staff at eXact learning solutions are helping to run The European Learning Industry Group (ELIG)’s events at Online Educa - being held in Berlin, from 30th November to 2nd December.   ELIG’s events at Online Educa begin with a Networking Reception (30th November). This Reception includes an introduction [...]

Language learning makes Awards’ shortlist

goFLUENT, a provider of distance English training, has been named among the shortlisted entries in two categories of the 2012 Learning Awards, which are due to be presented at The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London, on 2nd February 2012. Along with its client – the pharmaceutical giant - Eli Lilly, goFLUENT has been shortlisted in [...]

By | November 21st, 2011|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Only virtually relevant to the real world

Those who want to know about the emerging virtual world technologies and the benefits these environments can bring to your learning and development programmes, can now – from the comfort of their own desktops – attend the UK Training Directory’s Virtual Training Conference & Exhibition.   This ‘virtual summit’ is scheduled for 15th November, from [...]

By | November 3rd, 2011|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Towards understanding

Learning technologies sector benchmarking specialist Towards Maturity is set to reveal the findings of its latest – fifth annual – research into the sector’s trends. Sources close to the organisation are suggesting that the preliminary results of the 2011 Benchmark Study have revealed: 72% of organisations believe that learning technologies help them respond faster to [...]

By | October 21st, 2011|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Still investing to innovate: a tribute to the few

eXact learning solutions, global vendor of online and mobile learning content management and digital repository solutions, has released the latest version - version 8 - of its flagship product eXact LCMS. This new version will be officially presented at the DevLearn event, being held in Las Vegas from 2nd to 4th November.   As a [...]

Top ten Tweeters in learning technologies

Learning is one of those key skills that we all need. Thankfully, in recent years, technology has enabled us to find more ways of delivering learning than merely via a classroom. Learning technologies (sometimes known as ‘e-learning’) now provides a great deal of help to people – especially those in the corporate world – who [...]

By | October 13th, 2011|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Commissioner’s cynical comment

Among the key findings of a European Commission ‘Eurobarometer’ survey on ‘Attitudes towards vocational education and training’ are: Vocational education and training - in which nearly half of all Europeans choose to enrol after their compulsory education - has a generally positive image among most age groups. This is principally because it is seen as [...]