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Overwhelmed, overwired – and over-sold

'If feeling exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed has become the norm, you are probably overwired. Being overwired means being overwhelmed, often with serious consequences to your health and well-being’.   So says the marketing material for an e-book called ‘8 Ways to Rewire Your Life and Revamp Your Productivity’. The e-book sets out eight ways you [...]

By | November 16th, 2012|Categories: Business, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

26 years and counting

Apparently – according to Stephen Covey, writing in his blog – 15th March 1985 (just over 26 years ago!) saw the first ‘dot-com’ registration on the internet.   That was before my time in this industry – but I do remember a speaker at a meeting of the Association for Computer Based Training (which eventually [...]

Heart problem misconceptions

The British Heart Foundation ( is 50 years old this year (it began in 1961). This charity aims to bring about the conditions where people no longer die prematurely from heart disease. It plays a leading role in the fight against disease of the heart and circulation, so that it is no longer a major [...]

By | May 19th, 2011|Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Fitting social media to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Speaking at a conference for members of Frost & Sullivan's Global community of Growth, Innovation and Leadership (GIL), held at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, Andrew Lamb, a Director of Appropedia (a wiki which focuses on sustainability issues – see:, argued that ‘web 2.0’ has encouraged new forms of social interaction and collaboration. He added that [...]

By | May 17th, 2011|Categories: Business Technology, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |1 Comment