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Invisible idiot

Someone – in the early days of technology – put the English proverb ‘out of sight, out of mind’ into a mainframe-housed forerunner of Google Translate. The idea was that the proverb would be translated into Russian and then back into English to prove that the software worked correctly. The result of the computer’s deliberations [...]

By | February 15th, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |3 Comments

European Maritime Safety Agency further extends its use of learning technologies

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, is one of the 28 Agencies of the European Union. It was founded in 2002 with the aim of reducing the risk of maritime accidents, marine pollution from ships and the loss of human lives at sea by helping to enforce the pertinent EU legislation. [...]

Book Review (number 2)

This book review is also available on the Training Journal website. Digital learning content – a designer’s guide By Clive Shepherd Published by: Onlignment ISBN 978-1-4710-2920-2 Clive Shepherd’s new book argues that there is now so much learning content available in a variety of forms - especially via the internet – that [...]

By | February 7th, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , , |6 Comments

The great, the good and the glitzy

The great, the good and the glitzy of the corporate learning world assembled at the Dorchester Hotel in London’s Park Lane on the evening of 2nd February for the first annual Learning Awards. Oddly enough, these awards were also the 16th annual awards. The previous 15 events had been held under the auspices of the [...]

By | February 4th, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Sex, drugs and social media

No - this headline does not refer to The Learning Awards, a glittering evening held to honour the great and good of the learning world which was held at the Dorchester Hotel in London last night. A study from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business has revealed that we are more addicted to [...]

By | February 3rd, 2012|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Mobile learning conference is already living up to its name

North America’s premier mobile learning conference and expo - mLearnCon 2012 – is due to be held in San Jose, California, from 19th to 21st June this year. The event focuses on the management, design, delivery, and practical use of mobile technologies for learning in corporate, government, military, academic, and other settings. And already – [...]

By | February 2nd, 2012|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Asia-Pacific’s e-learning movers and shakers: the debate continues

It goes without saying that publishing any highly subjective, even if seriously and rigorously judged, list is going to spark discussion and, maybe, controversy. While this is not new in relation to the now established lists of corporate e-learning’s movers and shakers in ‘the World’, ‘Europe’ and the UK, it’s a novel experience for those [...]

By | February 1st, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

And, on the subject of comments…

It’s always a delight to receive praise and encouragement rather than criticism and a brickbat. Perhaps that’s why people are so keen to be named in the lists of e-learning’s movers and shakers. Of course, it’s easier to ‘curse the darkness’ than ‘light a candle’ – and criticism is never going to go out of [...]

By | February 1st, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |2 Comments

A review of Learning Technologies 2012

Just when you were thinking that the Learning Technologies’ format was tried, tested and unchangeable, you found that, this year, things had changed.   For one thing, the Learning Technologies exhibition – augmented for the first time last year by the Learning & Skills exhibition – was further augmented this year by the Learning Without [...]

By | January 27th, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |0 Comments

France joins Britain and Germany in learning technologies events

While all eyes - on this side of the English Channel at least – are on the Learning Technologies event, in London’s Olympia (25/26 January), there are some important learning technologies related events about to take place in mainland Europe too. Karlsruhe in Germany is, once again, the setting for Learntec (31 January to 2 [...]

By | January 24th, 2012|Categories: Learning Technologies|Tags: , |0 Comments