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Trainers, know your place!

IMC (UK) Learning Ltd has revealed research ( that looks at the barriers organisations encounter when providing training/ learning. It also reveals attitudes towards adopting e-learning tools, as well as organisations’ current use of new and emerging technologies for training. The research shows that 83% of respondents agree that enabling employees to learn is very [...]

By | October 21st, 2009|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Social media scandal

Some 35% UK organisations believe that the impact of social media is now just as, or more important than traditional media, according to a study carried out by PR consultancy, Portfolio Communications. Despite this, around 90% of organisations are not allocating a budget to a dedicated social media programme - though 31% say they plan to [...]

By | October 19th, 2009|Categories: Business, Lifestyle, Public Relations, Marketing and Sales|Tags: , |0 Comments

Learning providers are shown where the money is

During the current recession, three in ten adults who are working or looking for work have paid to learn new skills in their own time to help them get new jobs or keep their current one.   This is revealed in a new poll by elemense, the recruitment processing outsourcing company. The survey also found [...]

By | October 7th, 2009|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Telling it like it should be

Cutting back too far on staffing during the recession could leave businesses lagging behind when the upturn arrives, believes Andrew Hardaker, managing director of recruitment specialists, ATA Selection. He says that many businesses are looking at ways of saving money – and, with employees often being the most expensive overhead, staff cutbacks seem inevitable. His [...]

By | October 6th, 2009|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Entrepreneurs’ corporate cages

Headhunters are often asked to find ‘entrepreneurial’ managers, but do company’s recruiters really know what they’re asking for? And, if so, how do they exploit their talents and encourage them to stay?   The international search firm, Cripps Sears, has recently teamed up with Kingston University’s Entrepreneurship Centre to examine these - and related - [...]

By | September 2nd, 2009|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Training budgets: a curious paradox

The Training Press Releases news site – among others – has reported research by Learning and Skills (L&S), the new exhibition being co-located with Learning Technologies in January 2010, which has found that businesses are responding to the changing economy by continuing to invest in skills that will be needed in the future. Donald H [...]

By | August 1st, 2009|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Royalty publicly backs e-learning

It’s not every day that Central Government and royalty combine to endorse and promote e-learning but that it what has happened in Saudi Arabia. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has stressed that e-learning plays a fundamental part in his plans to restructure and modernise his country’s education system. To that end, the Saudi Arabian Ministry [...]

By | July 31st, 2009|Categories: Business, Learning Technologies|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Equal employment opportunities – even for zombies

HR magazine has reported that The London Dungeon has recruited two new zombies to embark on a £30,000 per year career of scaring visitors. There were over 200 applicants for the role and around 60 were auditioned. Louie McKenna and Jeremiah Barnes were selected as the two best suited to take on the role of [...]

By | July 30th, 2009|Categories: Business|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Motivation matters

Farnham Castle, the Surrey based corporate events venue, has urged companies to take staff motivation seriously during the recession.   “A positive and motivated team is always going to out-perform competitors which have a negative staff attitude,” said Farnham Castle’s Jeff Toms.  “Focusing on staff motivation during the downturn is a cost effective way to [...]

By | July 28th, 2009|Categories: Business, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Culture and ethics

Cultural expert Richard Lewis, of Richard Lewis Communications, made a good point recently when he wrote: ‘Our values can make a difference to what we believe is the right thing to do. And values, or the priority we give them, can be different across cultures. What do we believe is more important: the truth, or [...]

By | June 12th, 2009|Categories: Business, Philosophy and Religion|Tags: , , |0 Comments