The Royal College of Anaesthetists (, the professional body representing anaesthesia in the UK, is introducing an interactive e-learning resource to support training and professional development in anaesthesia. The programme is being launched by the President of the College, Dr Judith Hulf, at its annual College Tutors conference on 11th June. ‘e-Learning Anaesthesia’ (e-LA) ( is a joint initiative between the College and e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH), a Department of Health (England) programme ( It is available free to all anaesthetists practising in the NHS.

The e-LfH programme has won several industry awards and has been credited by Sir Liam Donaldson as ‘one of the most positive developments in medical education in 20 years.’

Comment: Let’s hope that this programme’s e-learning content is not just ‘interactive’ but truly engaging too. It would be awful if it ever sent the anaesthetists to sleep.