Marc Waterman, of Explosive Learning Solutions.

Cath Convery, of Explosive Learning Solutions.
The learning and development consultancy, Explosive Learning Solutions (ELS), is helping former members of the armed forces to transition successfully to civilian life.
Cath Convery, ELS’s Head of Learning, explained, “Our Armed Forces fulfil the Government’s commitment to defend the realm and, in so doing, they sacrifice some civilian freedoms, face danger and, sometimes, suffer serious injury or death as a result of their duty. Their families also play a vital role in supporting the operational effectiveness of our armed forces.
“There are many differences between military and civilian life – which former members of the armed forces, including the Reserves, discover when they leave military life. These differences involve aims, objectives, ways of operating – and, indeed, mindsets covering values, behaviour and so on.
“When a person’s military career comes to an end, not only should that person be able to look forward to many years of productive life but they’ll also want to find value and status within the civilian community and economy – through developing and refining the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in civilian life.”
Moreover, the British Government recognises this and, so, among other things, has established the Armed Forces Covenant. The Covenant, a national responsibility involving government, businesses, local authorities, charities and the public, is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served – and their families – are treated fairly.
“Along with the other supporters of the Armed Forces Covenant, we believe that those who serve in the armed forces, whether regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared with other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services,” continued Cath. “Special consideration is appropriate in some cases – especially for those who have given most, such as the injured and the bereaved.”
As part of its commitment to ensure that former members of the armed services community don’t suffer a commercial disadvantage when they come to enter the civilian world of work, ELS is providing training in business subjects for those transitioning from the military to a civilian career.
Notably, ELS helps soon-to-be-ex-service personnel to learn new knowledge and skills which will help them earn a living in the civilian world of work.
This includes providing training in such things as project management, risk management, and other (civilian) management skills including commercial awareness, strategic commercial acumen, understanding commercial risks and mitigations, understanding market engagement and extracting value from a contract.
ELS also ‘puts its money where its mouth is’ and employs a number of former service people among its 200 or so full-time staff and associates.
ELS has been involved in this work since it was established in 2005. Over these years, it has advised and trained many hundreds of people to smooth their transition from military to civilian life.
“It’s also important to bear in mind the needs of the families of those transitioning from the military to civilian life,” pointed out ELS’s Marc Waterman. “ELS also provides support for the partner and family of those it trains to transition to civilian life, as part of its commitment to the Armed Services Covenant.”
For more information about employing ‘veterans’, visit: https://www.veteranswork.org.uk/
ELS is a learning and development (L&D) consultancy that believes in using original and challenging solutions to inspire, enthuse and empower people to meet its clients’ needs. Working with clients in the public, private and business sectors worldwide, ELS focuses on organisation-oriented needs analysis; leadership and management; training and development – applying a systems approach to training methodology; learning technology; education; coaching and mentoring; HR development, as well as specialist expertise in the public sector including in defence issues.
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